Dariusz Goźliński

"First, do no harm!"- This should be, the first rule for the communication activities in the field of pharmaceutical and legal.

Who am I?
Passionate about marketing and advertising. Strongly associated with the pharmaceutical industry and related. I create and I manage advertising campaigns including the use of social media in activities dedicated to doctors and patients. Professionally, I am the founder and managing director of the agency GreyTree. From 2002 r. I am associated with a limited marketing and advertising law. Among other things, worked with companies such as: Unilever, Jelfa, Sanitas Group, Adamed Healthcare, Blue Farma, Chance, Genexo, GAL, Heel Poland, Symphar, Sun Farm, Admiral, Ipsen, HiPP, Alpen Pharma or Krewel Meuselbach.

Dariusz Goźliński
such. +48 22 628 53 61
e-mail: d.gozlinski(at)greytree.co

Po co pharma social media marketing?

15 May 2013
Po co pharma social media marketing?

Pharmaceutical Marketing, which acts in the area of ​​social media, that is, what, and why it should be done, to build long-term relationships with consumers, doctors and acquire new customers.
First of all, the products and the company should be visible on the web, engaging people to have fun and discussion. In the end, social media is not static corporate website, and above all, social networking, where our potential customers are spending their free time. This is the only way to reach them - campaigning in, where we can meet them there and on the basis of existing.

The strategy in social media activities for many pharmaceutical companies are stillsocial-media-marketing-for-your-online-business-300x276 remains something incomprehensible, and often - horror of horrors! - Is assessed as unnecessary, because the company does not conduct campaigns in social media and the near future is not going to. In this case, I ask (Moreover, not only did I): Is your company stand, not to be in social media? Regardless of the decision to conduct or resigning from the campaign on social networking sites, information about our products and so will appear in the network. There appear no matter whether we like it or not. Internet users will still be talking about us (write), exchange views and compare with others, including the competition. However, opting for activities in the sphere of social media will have affects, What about us, you can wygooglować, find the forums, Facebook etc. Thus we can not only focus on one site discussion of our, which actively participate in it, create noise around her and interest, to instill confidence and acquire further interested in this, what we have to say about our brand and product offering in the form of consumer, or doctor (where, when we bring our message to the medical professionals). But remember, that social media is primarily entertainment, trivia, in other words, a way to spend your time by Internet. This is how we should construct our message to the network users - give them entertainment, entertain, teach, involved in our activities, educate, but do not bother, and treat all our messages in the advertising category.

Fear has big eyes, and we are afraid that, we do not understand. Yes, unfortunately it looks like most pharmaceutical companies - fear of the unknown, before going beyond the traditional model of pharmaceutical marketing. Only, that our customers have long enjoyed with social media, and in the majority of the pharmaceutical industry is still stuck in the world of PR, advertising and promotion from past years.

What we offer social media? In addition to improving the image of the brand and the product is still underrated channel activities prosprzedażowych. In the end, information and advertising should be where we are looking for, where the recipient is waiting for our transfer. Let's not be naive and do not delude themselves, that our consumers devote a lot of time respectively, to find our static website on the internet, that is really a network of hundreds of thousands of other information. That we should care, to reach him before such.: would develop a negative opinion about us, dispenses with the search before we find or choose the competition and its products.

Facebook_0-300x176In Poland, every fifth person has an account on Facebook (more than 8 million users around the portal in Poland). There are a number, can not be ignored, and not everyone uses Facebook surfer. This example gives food for thought. However, can not be reduced only to a social media portal Mark Zuckerberg. In addition to Facebook in Poland are also popular social networking sites such as even NK, For example, YouTube or Konsylium24.pl dedicated doctors, etc., etc. Not to mention the numerous forums, Blog, information portals with the option to comment on articles, and we outline the power of new channels to reach our audience.

In sum, activities in social media is both a Public Relations, but also pro-sales activities, that build loyalty to the product and positive associations. As a result,, in the real world (the off-line) increase your chances of buying our products and our services selection, because we will be at the top of our consumer associations - a fan of our brand, Product, Services. Do not kid yourself, social media will realize that for us, quarterly or annual sales, but it will be a great channel of communication to build long-term relationships with consumers and sales support! At the end ask: Are you able to afford the lack of presence in the world of consumer or doctor? Can you afford it, to reject the pharma social media marketing? Do you ignore the social media world will, that Internet users will not write about you on the internet? What makes this time your competition? Have you ahead in this field? Or maybe you still have a chance to be the first?



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