The condition Facebook as a communication channel of health care units in Poland a few paragraphs. All over the world gathered Service Brand Zuckenberga hundreds of millions of users. "Fever" also succumbed Poles Facebook, the strength of approximately 6 million users. Their accounts are there colleges and most commercial companies, leading communication with consumers. Polish condition of health accounts in the popular website looked at Ewelina Kazarko-Ludwiczak, in the article "Health units on Facebook" (ABSOLUTE 5/2011).
Leaders and Laggards
The 2010 r. Facebook page had 631 US hospitals. A different situation exists in the countries of the Old Continent. The communication channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, involved a few to several percent of hospitals. Only a few institutions Blogs .... Thus, a leader in the use of digital communication tools are American hospitals, as they operate in a highly competitive market.
With what is it goingHospital communication channel Facebook may be used to:
- Promotion of information about equipment, its achievements
- Carrying out activities in the field of health
- Promote outstanding professionals
- Sought to include information about employees
- Fundraising, support initiatives
- Social probing for new services, medical specialties
- Discussions with patients
- Building relationships with institutions pacjentami.Zarządzający see two main concerns before starting communication
in the above. service:
Hospital, as an institution of social trust, not quite reach the pushy marketing tool and entertainment
Social networks are not a convenient place to contact with patients.
Do not guarantee respect for the rights of the patient and his individual traktowania.Drugi point basically could constitute a separate article about ....So do it Polish hospitalsA home health units are part of the above-mentioned. tendency "starokontynentalną".
Hospitals communicating through Facebook, you can count on the fingers of both hands, means,
it does not use this medium number of large units, such as. Hospital Bielański, Wolski Hospital. Pages hospitals are very similar, contain basic data on a given unit. What is important, usually in the form of duplicate content from web pages.First on Facebook "entered" Central Clinical Hospital of Ministry of Interior, which also promotes the Youtube, publishing videos from operations.
Among public health units, fastest running fanpage Center for Children's Health. He gathered about 3000 fans, attracts photographs and discussion with threads being developed by the fans. The website is updated on a regular basis. Fanpage fans dynamic growth recorded in connection with the information campaign conducted on the state of a young patient after liver transplantation. It was a pioneering operation on a national scale, but was met with extreme Rankings of the medical and specialists. Communication. Without a doubt, the advantage of this strategy is to show openness hospital for modern technology. On the other hand,, there is a risk profile tabloidisation. Fans can expect for the new, more dramatic relationship, is not the whole point. This threat to the image of the facility. Maybe that's why there's Memorial Health Institute has repeated this activity.
Large, private networks, LUX-MED Medicover, form active profiles and lead them on the way "American". There is no shortage of shares involving users: competitions, Moderation, information on the latest health campaigns, links to videos, images, etc.. Profile owners are also willing to invest in advertising on Facebook.
It is worth paying attention to the fan page EMC Medical Institute S.A., which, Although there is little fans (ok. 200 people), is a frequently updated and meets with fans favor.
Other profiles of hospitals collect from a few dozen to a few hundred fans. In most one-sided communication is carried out, there is little active threads, are duplicated content from the web of (News, press releases). Examples are fansites: Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Interior, Healthcare Interior Ministry, Plock Hospital St.. Trinity, Children's Hospital of Krakow's profile.
It is worth noting, that the low activity fansite is not identical with the fact pioneering publishing content, as was the case with films from operations CSK Interior Ministry. Such controlled, a little passive, entry into the community therefore appear to be an attempt to communicate, in any way advertising!
Shows, established that the profiles are there, to be on Facebook, or to book a place. However, this profile dead wrong card brand. Profile rich in content, engaging fans - this is a good direction for health care units.