Dariusz Goźliński

"First, do no harm!"- This should be, the first rule for the communication activities in the field of pharmaceutical and legal.

Who am I?
Passionate about marketing and advertising. Strongly associated with the pharmaceutical industry and related. I create and I manage advertising campaigns including the use of social media in activities dedicated to doctors and patients. Professionally, I am the founder and managing director of the agency GreyTree. From 2002 r. I am associated with a limited marketing and advertising law. Among other things, worked with companies such as: Unilever, Jelfa, Sanitas Group, Adamed Healthcare, Blue Farma, Chance, Genexo, GAL, Heel Poland, Symphar, Sun Farm, Admiral, Ipsen, HiPP, Alpen Pharma or Krewel Meuselbach.

Dariusz Goźliński
such. +48 22 628 53 61
e-mail: d.gozlinski(at)greytree.co

As it is with the promotion of non-pharmacy?

20 August 2013
As it is with the promotion of non-pharmacy?

Prohibit the advertising of pharmacies introduced in January 2012 was significantly hindered doing business all pharmacists. Even led to the closure of some points, m.in. online shop Apteo.pl. It is hardly surprising, Yet advertising is leveraged trade, a lever that has just been broken. Many pharmacists, however, manages to promote, without coming into conflict with the law.

Promoting the information

pharmacistThe Act prohibits the advertising, only allows information, by which is meant to publish the names, logo, the address of the shop and catalog price of medicines containing only basic information. Exit with information about the pharmacy and its range of potential customers, we in several different ways. It is allowed to m.in. hanging inside the pharmacy (for example,. on the glass exhibition) poster with a list of drugs (with the exception of reimbursed drugs) and their prices. Such action must, however, be purely informative, without the type of evaluative terms: "promotion", "Special reduction", "wholesale prices with us"Etc. The poster can also be created in gaudy colors, best, was to make the text on a white background. It is also forbidden to use any graphics to encourage purchases. However, if you put on the list of medicines at affordable prices, is a high probability, poster that will draw the attention of passers and make, what they will do in our shopping section. Many pharmacies have already taken advantage of this opportunity. Another way to circumvent restrictive legislation was a change of name for the pharmacy, which smuggles information about this, that are available at the point of cheap products. Here you can cite m.in. names like "Centre for Affordable Medicines", "The cheapest pharmacy in the Region"Or"Super Cheap Pharmacy".

Internet activities

Without obstacles we can also put information about our pharmacy in Panorama Firm, Google Maps, YelowPages or other similar online databases of companies. The law does not forbid us to also set up a website. In the texts on the website should be wary of evaluative content and administered by dry and specific information. Having a website also gives you yet another opportunity to promote. Do not worry, that Main Pharmaceutical Inspectorate impose sanctions on us, we can position the page. Professional SEO efforts, that "thrust"Pharmacy site for the first place in the search engine will definitely generate many new customers to us. The site can even promote medicines, unless the promotion has been commissioned by the manufacturer. However, it is forbidden to use Google AdWords, because it is a standard online advertising.

PR recipe for success

Great results can also bring all PR activities.
dbamozdrowie_plMore and more pharmacists is through a marketing tool gaining customers. Building a positive brand image is a long process and requires many sacrifices from us, but often it is much more effective than standard advertising. As part of the public relations can eg. organize awareness campaigns, Preventive events or various types of educational programs. A good idea is also the creation of expert articles on health and beauty, and publish them in the newspapers or on the Internet. Such a strategy was adopted m.in. founders of the portal "I take care of Health". On this portal, visitors can find lots of advice on health, as well as directly to ask your doctor. An example of a pharmacy, which focuses on the promotion of this type, Health Pharmacy is. The website www.apteka-zdrowie.eu You can gain knowledge about diseases and their treatment, obtain information, how to properly take care of ou beauty or learn more about healthy eating. Valuable content, in which the recipient has a lot of useful information certainly will create a positive image of pharmacists, and thus the company, in which they work. Such activities allow you to gain the trust of potential customers and build positive relationships with the environment. However, to make it happen, must be based on a planned approach and in-depth analysis of the target group. So it is best to entrust this task to the professionals involved in the PR in the field of healthcare. A good PR-treatment at that partnership is also a pharmacy in social actions for health. An example of a campaign supported by the pharmacy is m.in. nationwide campaign "So for Health". Another example is the campaign "Study signs", which draws attention to the problem of Podlasie melanoma and encouraging them to study preventive, which is already three times in a row to support pharmacy CEFARM Bialystok and pharmacies Pharmaceutical Center.

takdlazdrowiaTo promote pharmacy, while not come into conflict with the law, many companies have partnered with pharmaceutical or opened portals such portals. The portal can be carried advertising of drugs and refer customers to specific pages, where they can check the price of the medicinal product and buy it. An example of this can be mentioned already above the portal "I care about the health", Founded by Central European Pharmaceutical Distribution NV. In this case, customers do not even have to leave the page, to buy drugs, that interest them. Order can pick up in your city, of belonging to a network pharmacy.

As you can see, the possibility of promotion there is still much. Reaching should not, however, be careful and remember, Reimbursement that the new law in a way that defines the vague concept of advertising - does not provide for the definition of the prohibited forms.



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