Dariusz Goźliński

"First, do no harm!"- This should be, the first rule for the communication activities in the field of pharmaceutical and legal.

Who am I?
Passionate about marketing and advertising. Strongly associated with the pharmaceutical industry and related. I create and I manage advertising campaigns including the use of social media in activities dedicated to doctors and patients. Professionally, I am the founder and managing director of the agency GreyTree. From 2002 r. I am associated with a limited marketing and advertising law. Among other things, worked with companies such as: Unilever, Jelfa, Sanitas Group, Adamed Healthcare, Blue Farma, Chance, Genexo, GAL, Heel Poland, Symphar, Sun Farm, Admiral, Ipsen, HiPP, Alpen Pharma or Krewel Meuselbach.

Dariusz Goźliński
such. +48 22 628 53 61
e-mail: d.gozlinski(at)greytree.co

Doctor, patient, firma farmaceutyczna a social media

3 August 2012
Doctor, patient, firma farmaceutyczna a social media

Planning activities in social media is by definition one of the elements of the marketing strategies of pharmaceutical companies. For a long time no one asks whether a company has a corporate web site, but how much product websites, landing pages for promotional campaigns and education and how much is currently conducting projects in social media.

But what really is pharma social media marketing? What is the difference between the actions of other products and services?

pharma social media marketingPharma social media marketing in a few words the definition of building lasting relationships with physicians and patients on the basis of interaction on social networks, industry Web sites, forums and discussion groups and blogs. Of course, you can expand the definition of m.in. of activities with the use of the application for smartphone users, tablets and computers in general, but in practice the Polish pharmaceutical market is still very little of this type of news. This is slowly changing and in the next few years we can expect not only in accordance with the global trend of increased marketing activities or a breakthrough in the field of social media, but also in the field of new technologies.

But back to the question "What pharma social media marketing is different from the activities carried out in social media for other products and services?"Is for most people the only noticeable difference will be subject. Nothing could be further from the truth, because beyond the restrictive legal restrictions in the advertising of medicines should also be noted, that one of the target groups in the form of a group of doctors is very demanding customers. While in the case of a campaign aimed at consumers of medicines, that is, patients can talk about a very similar way to construct persuasive communication, so effective approach to medical professionals already requires a good knowledge of the professional environment and the specificity of the profession, as well as track work on the list of reimbursed drugs, by ordinance which publishes the Minister of Health. Of course this is only part of the requirements, what is expected of a good pharmaceutical marketer, that the current knowledge of the ever-changing pharmaceutical law and related legislation will be able to translate into advertising campaigns or education both in the real world, jak i tym on-line.

Campaigns for doctors, campaigns for patients

Social media is primarily a network user interactions, which are supported online tools. From another point of view, social media is also a dense network of connections and conversations on practically every subject – discussions, which are transferred to and from the real world. And how can you relate this to the topic of health in Poland?

informationMore than 8 million Poles searching the Internet for information on healthy lifestyle, nutrition, diseases and drugs (action, composition, dosage). Search the Web Google notes every few months a new record number of requests for such slogans as such.: diet (1 830 000 - The average number of monthly searches the keyword in the past 12 months in Poland), health (1 220 000), Contraception (246 000) or runny nose and headache (po ok. 135 000). In addition, for 90% consumer resource of, who treat the trust is a recommendation friends. For 70 % Consumer opinion counts surfers, even those anonymous! These statistics, repeated and are cited, next to build credibility and long-term relationships with doctors and patients, one of the main mantras pharma social media marketing.

The task pharma social media marketing It is therefore m.in. this potential, which resides in the cited statistics. When preparing to take concrete actions and at the same time adhering to the provisions of pharmaceutical law and related legislation creating creative concept, select the channels of communication and the right tools, and also writes the campaign schedule. Depending on the group of pharmaceutical products (Rx drugs - prescription only; OTC - available without a prescription; supplements - complementary products in the body necessary for healthy ingredients) we can talk about different groups of recipients. As an example, Rx that communication is in accordance with the requirements of the law limited only to medical professionals. Therefore our campaign will be carried out for example.: in available only to physicians and social networking industry e-learning services, also with the support systems edetailingowych, and the creation and implementation of activities will ensure specializing in the field of Product Manager at the pharmaceutical company or specialist. Rx drug marketing advertising agency.


closed loop marketing

In contrast, much greater leeway we have in the case of, when the target group of our campaign will be the end consumer, eg a pharmaceutical product.: analgesic OTC category (available without a prescription). But remember, that according to the Pharmaceutical Law and the Regulation of the Minister of Health in the case of some of our communications addressed to the recipient must use probably already familiar to us all (at least from television commercials) formulation: "Before using, read the package leaflet, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, because each drug used inappropriately ... ". Whatever, However, we still have more room for maneuver than in campaigns Rx, since the main aim of activities in social media advertising is not literal Product, and interaction, building trust, relationships and positive associations, This offering, what is expected of the recipient – ranging from entertainment for advice, and ending with the intriguing curiosities. The product in this case does not play a primary role in the interaction with the consumer, because it would be a violation of the unwritten rules of social media and replace discussion monologue, and more direct advertising. And yet, we are referring to the trust, loyalty and recommendations, not to publish ads, which, according to research from one year to less consumer trust.

Social media and marketing strategies of pharmaceutical companies

Is pharma social media marketing is an integral and coherent part of the strategy of every pharmaceutical company? Or are there additional action, which are outside the main part of the planned action? Or maybe our projects in social media is only sporadic cases?

Each of the questions reflects a fragment of reality on the Polish pharmaceutical market. Unfortunately, paying attention to the campaigns in social media, ongoing for large corporations and smaller companies in the pharmaceutical industry, You can often find examples of the lack of consistent implementation. Also you can see the lack of a clear link to the traditional and Internet marketing, as well as the insufficient integration of activities related to maintaining and developing a website, projects and typical social media advertising campaigns on the Internet. Quite surprising is the fact, that, compared with Western Europe and the United States, in Poland, only part of the companies are opting for projects in the field of pharma social media marketing. Similarly, in the case of attachment to traditional forms of sales based on the work of medical representatives, who are equipped with the suitcase with many brochures, mock-ups and samples of products (detailing versus edetailingowe systems and esampling) regularly visit doctors. Fortunately, a few months you will see a change in the approach to the activities in the sphere of social media, resulting in an increase in the number of queries for advertising agencies, which specialize in the wider e-marketing pharmaceutical.

Is it worth it?

First of all activities based on social media influence on the audience much longer than the other, typical advertising. Direct dialogue with consumers of medicines and supplements, interactions undertaken with doctors, involving them in projects carried out along with providing entertainment, get someone's sympathy and informal acquisition as brand ambassador, published articles and expert advice, comments and recommendations received as product services there for many years, regardless of our further activity in this topic. Pharma social media marketing is therefore an excellent tool for branding, Product and company, and can actively work in activities supporting sales.

The article was published in Marketing in practice no 8/2012, I invite you to read other articles.



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