Dariusz Goźliński

"First, do no harm!"- This should be, the first rule for the communication activities in the field of pharmaceutical and legal.

Who am I?
Passionate about marketing and advertising. Strongly associated with the pharmaceutical industry and related. I create and I manage advertising campaigns including the use of social media in activities dedicated to doctors and patients. Professionally, I am the founder and managing director of the agency GreyTree. From 2002 r. I am associated with a limited marketing and advertising law. Among other things, worked with companies such as: Unilever, Jelfa, Sanitas Group, Adamed Healthcare, Blue Farma, Chance, Genexo, GAL, Heel Poland, Symphar, Sun Farm, Admiral, Ipsen, HiPP, Alpen Pharma or Krewel Meuselbach.

Dariusz Goźliński
such. +48 22 628 53 61
e-mail: d.gozlinski(at)greytree.co

BIG DATE product marketing strategy

6 January 2015
BIG DATE product marketing strategy

Surprisingly for me at the end of the year I received an invitation from the Centre for the Promotion of Information Technology to deliver a lecture on BIG DATE product marketing strategy. As soon as I saw it I admit topic, that my joy was enormous. Finally, and finally someone in Poland starting to see the potential of large data sets, potential which has long been used successfully by Western corporations.

In preparation for the conference, seeking materials, sources in the Polish publications (I needed a local examples of the application Big Data), we found a lot of articles, comments, and even publication. However zgłębiwszy can be seen on, this is an area that is still not used or even overlooked in marketing. Why? First, the lack of knowledge on the use of Big Data, hard to find two Polish tools (Company) to handle large databases and third, This is a new – and a large part of the new marketers do not like.

So what is the Big Data?

The definition was established in 2001 r., modified 2012 by WHEN Group (Gartner now) – Frombiory large volume of information, high volatility or high diversity, which require new forms of treatment to decision support, the discovery of new phenomena and process optimization.

McKinsey – Data set, whose size exceeds the capabilities of conventional tools for storage, data management and analysis.

IBM – emphasizes the diversity condition and speed of data collection and processing.

Big Data in advertising IBMbig data
Do you dare to cross the street full of cars on the basis of the photograph taken five minutes ago?FILM.

Big Data combines data from:

• various channels (behavioral data, Statistical, Geographic, transaction, having GPS devices)

• Data Formats (traffic, social media, video, music, papers, activity in the forums, Forms, Poll, phone calls, dane offline) both on desktops, and mobile devices

Sample structure Big Data to współczesny airliner – draws information from thousands of sensors supervising all possible parameters several times each second flight and retrieves the data coming from the outside, for analysis and to ensure the safety of its passengers and the pilot notified of the possibility of problems before they happen. That is the massive amounts of data around us, which can not be processed in conventional manner.


BIG_DATA-GreyTree-how big

  • Google daily processes over 24 petabytes of data.
  • Facebook every hour for processing gets over 10 million new photo, and its users every day to click on the button "I like it"Or comment on something almost 3 billions of times, inadvertently telling the world about their preferences.
  • By IBM, daily users FB click on "share"Close 650 thousands of times a minute and add 100 TB of data per day.
  • AndouTube’ie are uploaded every minute video lasting a total of up to 72 hours.
  • Users Tweeter’a, create 230 millions "tweetów"Day.
  • The number of messages Twitter increasing every year by about 200 %.
  • The 2012 the total amount of the data would be enough to fill a stack of CDs DVD, could reach the moon and back.
  • Currently, we process more data in one day, than the person in 1500 year over the lifetime of.

The 2020 the amount of data generated by the people of the world will 57 times the size of sand on all the beaches of the world.

“From the beginnings of civilization to the year 2003 generated humanity 5 exabytes of data. Now we produce 5 eksabajtów co 2 days ... and this rate continues to grow” – Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman Google

Only need to? 😉


Exploration and exploitation of business value dormant in increasing volumes of available data:

  • decision support,
  • the discovery of new phenomena,
  • process optimization


  • Advanced forecasting using a strategy based on patterns and predictive analysis based on artificial intelligence,
  • detect patterns "hidden business", for example in the field of advanced fraud detection,
  • increasing automation in machine-to-machine systems in order to improve response time,
  • greater transparency by improving access to data provided by the models OpenData
  • model „Enhanced Data Experimentation" (Experiments based on the extended data resources) - Verification of hypotheses based on data, rather than hunches,
  • supplier of innovative, new business models, such as the sharing of data as a service (Data as a Service ― DaaS).

These data have long been available in your enterprise, but so far have not been analyzed.

All times are marketing "one size fits all"Faded into oblivion. Verifies the efficiency ratio today advertising budgets and encourages innovative thinking. Substantially greater gains qualitative approach to communication.
User-focused clearly a key factor.



In the past, sufficient knowledge of the operation of the organization, looking for business advantages of efficient organization of business processes (for example,. production) through the implementation of systems ERP and operational reporting.

The next step was to look for trends in the data sets held, analyzing the causes of the events – so developed implementations area Business Intelligence and so were first data warehouses. This also was associated with the evolution of database platforms and began to form specialized analytical tools for discovering such patterns.

Then we entered the era of competitive analytics (the. “competing on analytics“). We began to anticipate the behavior of our customers (for example,. forecasting the likelihood of a customer leaving, the so-called. churn) and optimize our operations, especially logistics chain and marketing activities and pricing of our products and services.



This, however, in the modern world is not enough. There are new trends, where analyze data also unstructured data – example is the so-called. “text mining” or image analysis in social media, which will significantly expand the scope of knowledge necessary to make the right business decisions.

Due to the complexity of economic systems, in which they operate the largest companies should be noted, the value chain, how they want to provide our customers with significantly prolonged. At this time, the usual promotion of the product is no longer enough. We are looking for continuous climb the pyramid identified by “experience economy” aiming in the direction of providing not only products and services, but a complete set of experiments, that allow the expectation of higher margins and loyalty from our customers. Such an extension of the value chain expands the scope of information, with which every day we have to face in the process of decision-making.

On the other hand, the offer, which is directed to the market, product or service, are becoming increasingly complex, is a strong personalization, is a collaboration of many people and entities. Complex product and service developed in a personalized manner is also an additional aspect of increasing the amount of the related information. In addition, remember, that the information does not come only from within our organization (in theory, we can control it, affect the structure and process of obtaining), but also outside the company. One must be able to adapt them, if you want to use them.

There is another phenomenon – analysis of information and data is already common in organizations. Anywhere in the decision-making business staff expect a wide range of possibilities for the analysis of data, expect advanced analytical methods and know how to use them.

Is it worth it? So!

For highly saturated market, where the customer has a real opportunity to choose, the ability to increase the accuracy of decision making only a single percentage (no matter how real this indicator is calculated) can determine the success or failure. Companies must be prepared for this, every step to seek additional benefits, savings or advantages. The source of knowledge is necessary and will be very large volumes of data from multiple uncorrelated sources – further, what we have learned already supporting advanced analytics systems, they can not be aggregated. Proper knowledge unable to obtain data only from retail.

Analysts expected the one hand the possibility of unlimited testing their hypotheses, but also access to a broad set of features and analytical tools. Workforce, which is responsible for making business decisions and is educated in the field of analytics, statistics and work with data sets – expected, the company (potentially department IT) provide them with the opportunity to use the acquired skills to the benefit of its work. Expect an immediate response to the many challenges of the tools used their tasks:

  • incorporation of new data for the analysis regardless of their volume,
  • possible use in the analysis of retail data (in the end there is a known factor business, which they seek analysts),
  • almost immediately respond to questions, the results of running the analysis and evaluation of the possibility of the implications of the models built

In conclusion we can say, that business analysts and employees of organizations expect to transfer the burden of working with data on conceptual work – and the idea behind the construction of implementing the concept of community Big Data.

Currently, collects and stores huge amounts of contextual user data, often without a specific plan to use them, only on the basis of a hypothetical values ​​assigned to them. Inevitably, you start getting new business models, which will enable the use of such data.

*Big Data - large data sets and technology management, ACTS POLSKA, Ducts.


  • Google running a project called FluTrends. Monitors typed into a search engine query, changing to create a real-time map of areas at risk of flu epidemic.
  • In New York, has a team "alchemists analysis", who managed to - working exclusively with data - about 70 percent improve the effectiveness of fire prevention vacancy. In a similar way eliminated the problem of exploding manholes, ejection to the large amount of heavy cast iron cover.
  • Step into the scene from Minority Report (Spielberg's film 2002 year, based on a story by Philip Dick):
    At the time, when enraged Howard Marks intended to, to drive a pair of scissors in the chest unfaithful wife, policeman burst into the room, shouting: "By the order of the Agency for the Prevention arrest you double murder, that you had to commit today…". When other officers handcuffed Marx assumed, the shouting: "I did not do anything!".
  • Father teens, got a mail from the commercial network directory with clothes and accessories for babies. He called the company of a fuss. When after a short time the network representative reported to him with a question, how can fix this unpleasant situation, heard ... apologies. The girl actually was pregnant.
  • The Big Date, we read, as retail chains, analyzing purchase history recorded (for example,. stored on a newspaper or newsletter) customers, are able to deduce likely, whether and in which month of pregnancy is a woman. Traders use this knowledge of course, at the right time to send to clients right offers.
  • Analysis of the data provides time information, which are difficult to justify, e.g.: of the used cars are the least susceptible orange. And what do you do with such news? Promote orange car!
  • Airline ticket prices, which changes are confusing and do not know, where to depend (do not change or the route, or a machine, or crew members ...), and which still can be predicted with mathematical precision, With "only"Data from previous years.

* Read obowązkowa – Big Data. Revolution, that will change our thinking, work and life. Victor Mayer-Schönberger, Kenneth Cukier, Publisher MT Business

Science fiction becomes reality?

Nowadays, instead of tea leaves can foretell information available everywhere. The difference is that, divination from the data that come true.

In conclusion, I invite all those who want to further explore the topic in a lecture: BIG DATE product marketing strategy cosmetics industry. 27 January in Warsaw.

22 January 2015 – addition to the presentation of the entry which you can see HERE.



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