Convince a doctor, obtain an order in the pharmacy, increase the sale of medicines It targets the activities of each pharmaceutical company. Add to this, however, more details, or: increase the effectiveness without multiplication costs, improve communication and establish effective supervision and monitoring of each action. But how to achieve it?
Hire a new manager, new marketer and several new medical representatives? No ... Just use the system, and achieved positive results surprise you.
The fight for the customer and sales growth is a weekday in the pharmaceutical industry and medical. End of the quarter and the end of the year is a good time to summarize in any company. At such times,, analyzing data from all over the answer to the question if this year was very successful? Moreover,, wonder if all of our marketing efforts to be effective? Is the medical representatives realized sales targets? However, not all of our activities and actions translate into concrete results. Not all data flowing to us, we are able to correlate with each other, and thus forcefully stated, that example.: thanks to our representatives and our product managers increased the number of prescriptions for our drugs, increase in the number of orders. Yes, we have some information, We analyzed that and based on the conclusions reached, and thus in the second half of the year we changed the strategy and content of the messages in our campaigns Information – educational (and perhaps only in the new year we will change?). But if we had done it before, in the first days of our activities this effect would be incomparably better, a significant increase in sales. In other words, it is about time, flexibility of response and action, which nowadays mercilessly pharmaceutical market share for high-end players, Premier League and other means, lower leagues., which increases the efficiency
Effective educational and marketing message is no longer a fantasy, and innovative solutions in the form of a combination of knowledge of pharmaceutical marketers and developers. Consortium Grey Tree prepared a new sales support system edetailingowego, campaigns and ongoing monitoring of each action taken.
Dedicated to the everyday use of multimedia interactive systems based on web services for physicians and / or portable devices in the form of iPads in the hands of medical representatives, is a solution tailored for American standards in the pharmaceutical industry and medical. Compared to existing systems on the Polish market edetailingowych, new product leaves far behind the competition, as well as traditional forms of sales and campaign execution by representatives of pharmaceutical companies and marketers.
Representatives of existing forms of action and implemented marketing campaigns thing of the past. Now count lower costs and greater efficiency of the implementation of the target, the time required to achieve its objectives must be shorter, control over the activities of traders should be on a regular basis to enable a correction action (and not only at the end of the month or quarter), each presentation and educational project system after repeated displays should provide data, which will determine its effectiveness and possibly it definitely boost. Time is money! The same effect can be achieved in less time, or in other words, at the same time you can achieve a much better effect educational and commercial!
The possibilities of success lies
Pharmaceutical marketing business without the amazing results? Where then lies the error? What needs to be improved or changed? Package? Enter more promotion? Increase incentives? Plan a new campaign in the media? So spend more money? Not the way, to multiply expenses counting on better results. The product and the right people in the company structure, ie those resources, you already have and now you need to use them effectively - this will be your advantage in relation to the strong competition in the pharmaceutical market.
System every company provides new opportunities to create, implementation and a very detailed report of each of the individual activities of medical representatives and marketers. Based on the Media & Technology, USA which have become standard, for example, you get new opportunities.: recipients friendly interactive presentations in Flash, video, PowerPoint or other (published and available to physicians / pharmacists on the Internet at www, medical sites, or used by pharmaceutical representatives iPad tablet, during the meetings). The system can adjust the displayed data and messages for the next election doctor or pharmacist, while aggregates data and information so obtained is used to prepare a detailed report with extensive correlations. In this way you are able to so modify your content, each time to increase the efficiency of. Do not you have waited for the end of the month, or quarter, but practically from day to day, you can improve the performance of your business. You gain valuable time, allowing you to efficiently implement plans and objectives, as well as far to go beyond expectations. In the end, the goal of any business solution is to bring tangible benefits, return on investment, faster and even better results at lower cost!
An additional advantage is online communication in real time, solution in the form of fast update (when you as an administrator you want to improve, change the content and presentation) and news in the form of messages from team and your company.
That's all, through a combination of on-line can be posted and updated almost imperceptibly (and on the web and on the tablet of your representatives)!
Check! Free!
The goal of each business solution is to bring tangible benefits, return on investment, faster and even better results at lower cost, and the solution is just This system is very different from the older and simpler solutions available on the Polish market. gives you everything that attracts attention and involvement of the viewer, nicely wrapped, but the most important, that the effective!
All sales and marketing activities are monitoring and are coordinating on a regular basis, regardless, what part of the Polish are your representatives pharmaceutically. The basis of your activities are the specific data, that all the time are collected by the system - marketing departments, product managers take a decision based on specific reports, which relate to individual representatives, doctors and campaigns, but also may be presented in the scale of the city and country. Details can be presented either in the form of tables, as well as line graphs, bar and pie. You decide what data, at what level of detail and how to present. Tan asymmetry as a tool others will envy product managers and marketers. Of course, it is only a small part of the capabilities of our system. In fact, gives you a much more powerful marketing and sales, and to do so in a very clear and elegant layout. And we do not know anything about it, so to elaborate and functional solutions offered our competitors in Poland!
Check!!! Contact us!!! Now the system is available in a free trial! You will be amazed at the effects obtained and opportunities of the system itself!