Dariusz Goźliński

"First, do no harm!"- This should be, the first rule for the communication activities in the field of pharmaceutical and legal.

Who am I?
Passionate about marketing and advertising. Strongly associated with the pharmaceutical industry and related. I create and I manage advertising campaigns including the use of social media in activities dedicated to doctors and patients. Professionally, I am the founder and managing director of the agency GreyTree. From 2002 r. I am associated with a limited marketing and advertising law. Among other things, worked with companies such as: Unilever, Jelfa, Sanitas Group, Adamed Healthcare, Blue Farma, Chance, Genexo, GAL, Heel Poland, Symphar, Sun Farm, Admiral, Ipsen, HiPP, Alpen Pharma or Krewel Meuselbach.

Dariusz Goźliński
such. +48 22 628 53 61
e-mail: d.gozlinski(at)greytree.co

Sex, youth and the Internet

15 June 2011
Sex, youth and the Internet

We are sending the alarm after each article in the print media or internet about sex among young people and we are shocked after every television material on the level of sexual awareness among our children. Meanwhile, sexual education of children and young people leave their peers and the Internet.Reluctant to take taboos, and this to such a medical or pharmaceutical industry I include. Rare are articles like "Contraception Backyard" (published on Onet.pl) or even short, although good summary about the article "Education & contraception youth" (PolishPharma.com). But when we start to talk about or discuss, This brings us to the most common applications including, that the missing (addition to the examples, that can be counted on the fingers of one hand !!!) concrete and professional activities relating to sexual education of young people on the Internet. But nowadays the Internet for young people is an integral part of their lives.

Top searches on the Internet

Make no mistake, that young people do not use the Internet, and if it is the most common on the Internet seeking only information about their musical idols, Using Youtube listening to songs and watching videos, discussion on e-mail about homework set in mathematics, on your favorite social networks mentioned vacation photos, and the search engines looking for hints to develop the story (or as some called. "Feature").

Fotolia_7242061_XSStudies show something else. World Internet, and in the social media is one of the main ways of spending free time by children and young people, This is also the place the search by different information, but the answer to the questions I have. Also for marketers specializing in social media marketing, children and young people is one of the most appreciative audiences realized by advertising agencies online campaigns.

Meanwhile, the children and young people on the Internet looking for the most by phrases: name social networking, information about the stars of music and film, as well as news about the "sex", often typing the word "porn" (data based on the report "Kid’s Top Searches", prepared by Symantec for the year 2010).

Tell a colleague, Also online are the answers

That's what young people, and even children are looking for information - specific information and news on the topic. Rely on their friends in the course of the talks and on the recommendations and suggestions of anonymous peers, who as they use the Internet. How different is it from the decisions taken by adults seeking knowledge and opinions about products and services, who wish to purchase and or they may want to use?

First of all, the difference is on the scale. With many years of professional experience in an agency I Grey Tree, engaged in social media marketing know, that while more and more adults use the Internet and the growing number of Internet becomes the main source of information definitely helps a consumer decide, Thus, in the case of children and young people online already !!! an indispensable source of many decisions and impulse to take many actions. Add to this the young age of this group of surfers and raised us look at it from the cited articles in issues of sexual awareness and knowledge about contraception (or rather the lack thereof!) and we have a frightening picture of reality, in which our children's peers are interpreted by the knowledge.

Responsibility Internet

Word of responsibility takes on new meaning - young people want to be responsible and looking for information about contraception in talks with friends, forums on the Internet. But if it can, however, call the responsibility? On the one hand, the so, because information and advice to young people looking for, on the other hand, the majority found in the network or overheard comments from friends far away from what is healthy, no safe and effective in terms of protection against unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

Even reading the article on the Internet Fri.: "Contraception Backyarda”, showing a lack of basic knowledge among young people about sex and contraception knowledge of their insignificant encounter Google's paid advertising - sponsored link of intimate gel, which I find right under article. What does this mean?
– To, that it is well positioned advertising on keywords?
– But maybe it, on the Internet that are unable to find or - emphasize - find everything?
Our children are sure to reach similar information, and seeking information about sex and contraception also hit a hundred, thousands of contributions of their peers. How many of these comments will be close to reality? How many of them will have the nature of professional advice for the sake of health, awareness and will serve rational decision-making by the teen or teenager? These questions do not have to think reply.

Let me, therefore, to repeat the first thought of the article ... We are sending the alarm after each article in the media about sex among young people and we are shocked after every television material on the level of sexual awareness among our children. And really the problem does not occur suddenly due to taking on journalists. The problem of lack of knowledge among young people about their sexuality and contraception exists regardless of whether a given month, the media take up the subject.

Zero discussion on this topic?

Some would rather recommend young people "a glass of water instead of ..." and "zero discussion of this issue", but not the way. Let us be responsible as adults, observe the sensibly and not through the prism of the same emotions and do's and don'ts. Where we edukujmy, tłumaczmy - just prowadźmy dialogue with our children - przekonujmy, realizes, rationally try to show what is good for them - and I do not mean to encourage them to enter into the world of sex too early age. But let us remember, however,, that the place of dialogue with young people is the Internet - and whether we like it or not.

A significant portion of us are parents and will soon become, or even faced a similar problem of child knower world not only by parents, but making use of other forms of gathering information on the surrounding reality. Personally, I would like to be calmer, that, in addition to what he as a parent will provide children in conversations, I do not have to only use wymyślniejszych systems increasingly restricting access to websites through content filtering software (the so-called. carers), legislature can only count on introducing a system of do's and don'ts of law or expect the support of non-governmental organizations - yes it can, but not all of these activities focus on raised in this article topic. Sometimes our assurance and conviction, of sex education that their children will take care of properly it can take the truth. And why? Bo m.in. The Internet of today is not the same as that of the network 90. XX.

At the end of the question. Who should be interested in measuring the problem of lack of proper sexual education of young people on the Internet? Parents, teachers, media, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, non-governmental organizations and legislators? This question and I include those with the ability to select multiple answers in the cafeteria at the same time ...



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